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Genuine lover of spanking

Age:42 years
Sponsoring:I expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:man
Height:5ft 3in (160 cm)
Weight:8st 2lb (51.7 kg)
Preferred spanking:hard
Last login:22 minutes ago

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I have been hurt by someone on here which I truly didn’t deserve so please be kind to me. I am a genuinely nice person who wears her heart on her sleeve. It is all still quite raw because it all happened very recently, so all I ask is that you approach me with the kindness you’d expect me to approach you with.
To make someone feel that low about themselves that they are pushed to the brink of suicide is disgusting. If it wasn’t for some amazing guys on here, I don’t know what would have happened.
The guy who did this to me uses this site and I wish him no harm at all. I just want him to know that he hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt.
I hope that he finds what he is looking for. I’m really sad that the person isn’t me.
I’ll care for him for a very long time to come! :(

I am a naughty sub in need of punishment. Not shy to say I have a genuine love of spanking which will be evident during our session. I prefer to use my own implements.

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