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Young spankee looking for more experiences

Age:20 years
Sponsoring:I don't expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:woman, man, couple
Height:5ft 4in (163 cm)
Weight:7st 1lb (44.9 kg)
Preferred spanking:very hard
Last login:5 days ago

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Hi, I’m a young student with a love of all things spanking. I usually prefer to be on the receiving end but I am happy to switch. I’m quite inexperienced so I’m looking for people to play and have fun with but also to learn from. I enjoy hand spankings best, along with paddles and brushes and love to roleplay.

From my experiences so far I’ve enjoyed hard spankings, in which I’m at the complete mercy of the Spanker, giving up control, so if this is something you’re interested in please don’t be shy to send me a message on here, on kik or google chat.

I hope to chat to you soon,

Grace xxx

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