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Mature Dommes for your delight

Age:61 years
Sponsoring:I expect money
Marital status:single
I'm looking for a:woman, man, couple
Height:5ft 1in (155 cm)
Weight:10st 9lb (67.6 kg)
Preferred spanking:hard
Last login:11 hours ago

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Two mature Dommes for your delight and our pleasure!

Interested in joining two experienced mature female Dommes for some CP/BDSM?

If so, you’re looking in the right place!

We are experienced Dommes (30 years between the 2 of us) and we are looking to use our knowhow on YOU!! Do you dare join us…

We can offer a multitude of scenarios which may or may not include:
Impact play
Corporal punishment
Sensation play
Humiliation play
Wax play
Nipple play
Tens play
Role play

Also organising parties for a select few, by invitation only, for group CP/BDSM fun with the possibility of 3 House Mistresses.

The CFnm tea party this month was so exciting... 3 Mistresses... what more could you possibly want... afternoon tea in the parlour with punishments in the study.

The cheese and wine party with a human Cheese platter that took place recently was so much fun and it got very messy.

Mid week CFnm event - 6th March 2025 - 1pm to 3 or 4 pm!!! By invitation only...

Dinner parties
Mistresses pampering sessions
Headmistress office visits

The world is our oyster...

We are based near Littlehampton in West Sussex, feel free to contact us for our availability and tribute requirements.

Please be aware that we are extremely busy people.
We will reply to all the messages that we receive but it will be as and when we can, and sometimes it might not be until the next day as we have to juggle our priorities...

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